Mod Podge is an amazing product that can be used on practically anything. But you may be wondering whether or not it’s toxic and safe to use inside. The formula for Mod Podge is usually water based and doesn’t include any harsh chemicals.
So, is Mod Podge Toxic? Mod Podge is non-toxic. It doesn’t produce any fumes that are toxic or volatile during the painting or drying process. It is still recommended to use this product in a well-ventilated area that has proper air flow. Even though it is not toxic, the smell can still give you a headache if you are sensitive to smells.
Should you accidentally get Mod Podge in your mouth or on your skin, you don’t have anything to worry about. It is not likely to cause any damage other than a slight upset stomach. The product is water-based and doesn’t include any ingredients that can be dangerous or harmful.
Is Mod Podge Toxic to Breathe?
In some cases, Mod Podge has a slight odor. The smell comes from the formula that is used to make the product. It will usually vary by brand, but one thing that is consistent is that the product is not toxic to breathe.
I love to use the spray on Mod Podge for some of my painting projects. But you can also get the brush-on type of Mod Podge for other projects that involve wood or even ceramic.
The smell of Mod Podge is very subtle and likely won’t cause any problems for you. However, if you have a sensitive respiratory system, you might develop a slight headache from the smell. This doesn’t mean that the product is toxic, it just means that you might have a sensitivity to one or more of the ingredients in the formula.
If you notice that the smell of Mod Podge is giving you a headache, consider taking a break and coming back to your project later. You should also apply Mod Podge in an area that is well ventilated with plenty of air flow. Outside would be best if you find that the smell bothers you.
Is Mod Podge Safe for Kids?
Mod Podge is acrylic based and water based. Since it is made without any dangerous chemicals, it is safe for kids to use and be around. Mod Podge isn’t food safe, so it shouldn’t be used on items that kids will put in their mouth frequently. Unless you purchase the Dishwasher Safe Mod-Podge, that can be washed and use don mugs and other ceramics.
Mod Podge doesn’t contain any toxic materials in the formula, so if a kid does happen to get some in their mouth, there shouldn’t be any side effects. In the majority of cases, it will just cause an upset stomach. In severe cases, the body may induce vomiting to get rid of the product.
If a child would accidentally ingest a small amount of Mod Podge as they are working on a craft, there is a high chance that they won’t show any kind of side effects at all. Children put just about anything in their mouth, so making sure you have a product that is safe for their use is important.
Is Mod Podge Safe for Animals?
Since Mod Podge is safe for use by kids, we can assume it is also safe for use around animals. If you are thinking about sealing a pet’s toy with Mod Podge, it might not be the best idea. Pets will chew on their toys, and the Mod Podge is bound to come loose and peel away from the surface of the toy.
This can result in the dried Mod Podge entering your pet’s digestive system. In most cases, the pet’s body should be able to process it just fine, but in other cases it might not be able to. It is best to avoid using Mod Podge on anything that your pet will put in their mouth.
You can read my other article that talks about Mod Podge being safe for Reptiles. It’s definitely worth a read if you plan on sealing anything that your pet and reptile may come in contact with.
You should also avoid using Mod Podge around your pet if they have a sensitive respiratory system and have had problems with their lungs in the past. This can impact how they react when exposed to this kind of product.
While it is generally safe to use Mod Podge around animals, you need to keep your pet’s current and past health in mind. It isn’t worth a risk exposing your pet to a product that they might not react very well to.
Is Mod Podge Safe for Skin?
Mod Podge is safe if you get some of the product on your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you might notice a slight irritation if the product is new to your skin. There might also be the potential that you are allergic to one of the ingredients in the product.
Before you use Mod Podge, it will be beneficial to know exactly what the ingredients are in the formula. If you are allergic to one of the ingredients, you should wear gloves while you work with the product. It will also benefit you to wear gloves if you have sensitive skin that has reacted to acrylic paints in the past.
If you do get some of the Mod Podge on your skin, you should try to clean it off while it is still wet. This will make it easier to remove the product and you can hopefully catch it before your skin has any reaction to the Mod Podge.
All you need to do is wash your skin with warm water and soap. Scrubbing the skin will help remove the adhesive material faster than if it is already dry. If it does dry, it will take some extra elbow grease to remove the product.
You will want to try to soften the Mod Podge. This will be done by soaking the skin in water that is as hot as you can handle it. As the Mod Podge starts to soften on your skin, you can scrape it off. Add a tiny bit of dish soap and scrub with a brush. This should remove most, if not all, of the product from your skin.
You can also try to use Vaseline to remove the Mod Podge from your skin. With this method, you will want to peel off as much Mod Podge as possible before adding the Vaseline. Apply the Vaseline to the Mod Podge on your skin and rub it in for a few minutes. Remove with hot water and dish soap.
Finally, you can use hand sanitizer to help remove the Mod Podge from your skin. Hand sanitizer has ethanol in the formula, which is a solvent. This will work to dissolve the Mod Podge quickly and with a little scrubbing, you will have it off your skin in no time.
Final Thoughts
Any time you are considering working with a new art supply, you will want to see if it is toxic or not. This will help you gain an understanding of where you can use the product and who you can use it around. Mod Podge is a water-based formula, so it is considered non-toxic and safe to use.
With the simple, non-toxic formula, Mod Podge is safe for kids to use on their art projects. It is also safe to be used around pets. It is recommended to keep the Mod Podge out of little mouths, as it can quickly cause an upset stomach or vomiting.
It is not common for someone to have a reaction to Mod Podge, but it is possible. You can develop a headache from the smell, or you might notice a rash on a part of your skin that touched the Mod Podge. Make sure you apply in a well-ventilated space and wear gloves if you have sensitive skin.
Make sure to follow all my tips and recommended products to ensure your Mod Podge project turns out great, and is safe to use for you and your family. Also, don’t forget to check out my other articles for all your painting Q&A’s. Happy painting!