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Is Mod Podge Waterproof?

Mod Podge is every crafter’s best friend! It comes with plenty of uses, including protecting your work from the elements. If you want to give your art the best chance of lasting years, then Mod Podge is a go-to for many people.

So, is Mod Podge waterproof? Yes, some formulas of Mod Podge are water-resistant, but not all of them are. For example, Outdoor Mod Podge and Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge are water-resistant and very durable. However, that doesn’t make it completely waterproof.

That said, adding Mod Podge to your projects will undoubtedly give them the protection that they need. Plenty of artists use this sealer in different ways. You’ll want to know more, so let’s keep reading!

Will Mod Podge Come Off if It Gets Wet?

When asking if Mod Podge is waterproof, most people want to know if it dissolves when wet. Mod Podge contains many ingredients that make it water-resistant, but it can still come off! You won’t want to put it directly in water.

If you were to get a drop of water on it, it shouldn’t come off immediately. You’ll want to wipe liquid off right away, though. If your project were to get drenched in water, the Mod Podge likely wouldn’t protect it very much.

One of the main ingredients in Mod Podge, vinyl acetate, makes it very resistant to water- but not completely waterproof! It will come off if you let water sit on the Mod Podge for too long. So, if you do spill something on Mod Podge, you’ll want to react quickly.

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If you need to get your painted item wet, I recommend using the Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge formula, which is designed to get wet.

Can You Use Mod Podge as a Sealer?

Mod Podge has many uses, including using it as a sealer. The liquid dries clear, smooth, and durable, adding a nice shine to your project! Plus, it dries very quickly. 

You’ll want to make sure you select the right formula for the project. While the Outdoor Mod Podge is highly water-resistant, you still won’t want to put it somewhere. It will get rained on. It will protect your work from light rains but wears out over time.

Overall, you can easily use Mod Podge as a sealer! It works great for this task. Most of the time, you can use the formula by itself. Although, you may want to use a different sealant for specific projects. 

How Long Does Mod Podge Take To Cure?

Mod Podge usually takes up to 24 hours to fully cure in the best conditions. However, you’ll want to let it dry for 72 if you have multiple coats on the work. While this sounds like a long time at first, other sealants can take much longer to cure the entire way through.

It would be best to let the seal dry as long as possible before moving the project. If you add more layers of Mod Podge, the ones on top take much longer to cure than the first few. However, adding more coats will make your piece more water-resistant.

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Depending on what formula you apply, you may need to wait up to a week for it to cure entirely! It can be hard to avoid touching your project for that long, but you’re sure to get the results that you want.

Mod Podge can feel dry to the touch after just an hour, but you still won’t want to handle it too much! In short, the more time you can give the Mod Podge to cure, the better.

Does Mod Podge Make Things Waterproof?

Mod Podge is an excellent tool for making items water-resistant but not waterproof. There’s a difference that not everyone realizes right away. 

“Waterproof” means that your art becomes impervious to water. However, “water-resistant” means that your project now has more protection from water- it can still receive damage from it. In other words, adding Mod Podge helps protect your art, but it won’t make it invincible to water damage.

Don’t let that discourage you from using Mod Podge on your pieces! It’s a good idea to add as much protection to your work as possible. That way, it lasts longer. If you need a piece to become completely waterproof, there are other sealants that you can try out.

In short, most Mod Podge formulas give your work a water-resistant coating. They won’t be waterproof, but it’s usually enough for most projects. If you want a fully waterproof Mod Podge seal, you’ll need to use a particular formula- the Dishwasher Safe one. 

Is Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge Waterproof?

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Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge is the only waterproof formula that Mod Podge makes. If you want to give your work the most protection from water damage, you should choose this one.

You won’t want to put it in the dishwasher until you’ve given it a very long time to cure. Even after that, you should only set it on the top rack. It also only works on ceramic, metal, and glass. The seal won’t form correctly on canvas or other materials.

For the Mod Podge to dry waterproof, you need strictly follow its instructions. Start by cleaning the surface of your project thoroughly with warm soapy water. You can also use rubbing alcohol with a cotton ball instead.

Next, make sure to mix the Mod Podge well. You can apply it with a soft bristle brush, let it dry for an hour, then apply another coat. The additional coats should cure for two hours before you add another one.

I like to use the Mod Podge Brush Applicator for my projects. It applies the Mod Podge just right, and it’s super easy to clean!

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The most important step to make your Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge waterproof is to let it cure for 28 days! You’ll need to have a lot of patience, but the results are very worth it. 

However, even though Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge is waterproof, you’ll want to take care of it to make it last. It’s not microwave safe and requires multiple layers to become completely waterproof. If you don’t add enough, the seal could wash off in the dishwasher.

Overall, Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge is technically waterproof, but you’ll need to follow the given instructions exactly. If you don’t, there’s a high chance that the dishwasher damages your project.

Waterproof Mod Podge Formulas

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The Dishwasher Safe Mod Podge formula is technically the only waterproof one. The rest of the products are water-resistant. The following most water-resistant formula would have to be the Outdoor one.

After that, the remaining Mod Podge formulas only provide water resistance. Still, it’s always good to add them to your hard work! This list contains all of the water-resistant formulas you can consider using: 

While these Mod Podge formulas are resistant to water, they aren’t waterproof. However, most of them should make your project resistant enough! You’ll want to determine what you want from your project to choose the best formula. 

Final Thoughts

To summarize, the only true waterproof Mod Podge formula is the Dishwasher Safe version. The rest of the formulas the brand offers are water-resistant. However, they still can provide your art with plenty of protection from the elements! You won’t want to submerge them in the water, though.

Overall, Mod Podge is a fantastic choice for a water-resistant sealant. It comes with plenty of uses, dries clear, is easy to use, and works wonderfully! You’re sure to find uses for a bottle with your works.

Make sure to follow all my tips and recommended products to ensure your Mod Podge project turns out great! Also, don’t forget to check out my other articles for all your painting Q&A’s. Happy painting! 

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