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Is Acrylic Paint Dishwasher Safe?

Crafts with acrylic paint are always fun and can last for a very long time. This might make it seem like acrylic paint is indestructible, but that is not always the case. If you are planning on painting with acrylic paint on a mug or a plate, it is important to consider whether or not acrylic paint is dishwasher safe.

Acrylic paint is water-soluble, so it will usually begin to peel when it is exposed to water or moisture frequently or for long periods of time. So, is acrylic paint dishwasher safe? Yes it is, but you should first bake your painted item to make sure the paint won’t chip, and try to wash is as least as possible.

If you are going to wash anything with acrylic paint in the dishwasher, you should do so very infrequently. You should also bake the plate or mug after painting to ensure that you get the best results for the acrylic paint to stay on. In this article we go over everything you need to know on how keep your acrylic paint dishwasher friendly. Let’s read on!

Does Acrylic Paint Stay on Mugs?

You can use acrylic paint on most ceramic or glass mugs. You should always check the label of the paint you are going to buy to make sure it is suitable for the project you are trying to complete. Some acrylic paints are only suitable for unglazed ceramic mugs, which won’t work on glass or glazed ceramic.

My favorite and top pick is always Arteza Acrylic Paints. They have so many different colors, and the quality is amazing! I usually use Arteza Paints for all my projects.

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If you want to get the acrylic paint to stay as long as possible, you will want to seal the mug with a varnish. Varnish adds a protective layer to your mug to keep the acrylic paint from peeling or cracking for much longer than without. I use Krylon Sprays to seal all my acrylic pain projects.

How to Use Acrylic Paint on Mugs

Painting a mug is very easy, fun, and it makes a great craft for gifting. The first thing you need to do is set up a workspace. The best way to do this is lay down newspaper or a tarp to protect the area. The more coverage you have, the better your space will be.

Next, you will need to set up your paints. Use a palette to pour your paint on for easy access to your colors. If you are planning on mixing colors, make sure you either have a separate palette, or leave enough room for mixing to happen.

If you are painting on an unglazed ceramic mug, draw your design in pencil first. If you are painting on a glass mug or glazed ceramic mug, you will want to use a marker to draw your design. This will make sure that you avoid any mistakes during the painting process.

Before you start painting, take the paintbrush and dip it quickly into some clean water to get rid of any dust particles, then dry it off with a soft cloth. When your brush is clean, you can start painting. Be sure that you avoid the lop of the mug when you are painting.

If you are going to be painting a larger area, such as one solid color on the mug, use a larger foam paintbrush. If you are painting on a smaller area, or with a much smaller design, use a smaller paint brush. I recommend this Kosalart Paintbrush Set for ceramics. It has a variety of paintbrush sizes that is perfect for some mug surfaces.

You will want to paint more than one layer to make sure that the paint is as solid as possible. Let the mug dry for at least 2-4 hours before sealing it or baking it to make it dishwasher safe. Later on in the article I go over how to seal your ceramic mug or plate.

How Do You Make Acrylic Painted Mugs Dishwasher Safe?

It is really easy to make painted mugs dishwasher safe. The very first thing you need to do is wash your mug and let it dry completely. Sometimes mugs can be a little dusty when you get them from the store, so you need to make sure the mug is completely clean before you start.

After you have your design picked out, you can start painting. When you are done, let the paint dry completely. Let it sit for around 4-6 hours before moving on to the next step in the process, which is the sealing process. To make your mug dishwasher safe, there is a Mod Podge Sealant that will work perfectly.

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Mod Podge makes a dishwasher safe sealant, making it a breeze to put your mugs through the dishwasher without needing to worry about your designs getting ruined. There are different finishes available, so you can complete your mug perfectly.

You can also bake your mug to make it dishwasher safe. This method will take a little more time and effort, but you will get the same result. 

How to Bake Mugs and Plates with Acrylic Paint

If you are going to use a plate or mug that you use acrylic paint on, you will want to bake it in the oven to set the paint as best as possible. You need to make sure you bake it properly and follow directions very closely to avoid any breaking.

Before you think about baking a plate or mug that has been painted with acrylic, the paint needs to dry for at least 4-6 hours first. This is to ensure that all of the layers have completely dried before you put it in the oven.

Next, place the plate or mug in the oven before you turn the oven on. This step is crucial! Glass and ceramic needs to be able to gradually heat up inside the oven to avoid any shattering or breaking. If you put a plate or mug in a hot oven, you will be dealing with a very large, sharp mess.

Once you have placed the mug or plate in the oven, shut it and set the temperature to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Let the oven heat up to temperature. As soon as the oven is fully heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, bake the plate or mug for 30 minutes.

After the 30 minutes have passed, turn the oven off. Do not take the plate or mug out of the oven until after the oven has completely cooled back down. This will allow for the glass to cool down gradually, also avoiding cracking and shattering. After this process, do not use the plate or mug for 72 hours.

Why Should You Seal Acrylic Paint on Ceramics

There are several benefits to sealing your artwork. The first benefit is that it will increase the longevity of the paint on the ceramic. Acrylic will stick to ceramic, but it does have the tendency to peel over time. To avoid this, you will want to seal it.

Sealing your acrylic painting on ceramic means that you can expose it to moisture more frequently without worrying that it will peel. If you are planning on putting your ceramic mug in the dishwasher, it is extremely recommended that you seal your artwork. I highly recommend Mod Podge Sealer for mugs and plates. This will be a lifesaver for your dishware.

Sealing acrylic paint can also help increase the saturation of the colors you are putting on the ceramic. It can also increase the sheen, making your artwork shinier. The sealant also makes it easier to clean the mug because the surface will be smoother.

How Do You Seal Acrylic Paint on Ceramic?

To seal your ceramic that you have painted on, you should use water-based polyurethane varnish. Varnishes are typically a mixture of solvent and resin that forms a protective layer over the acrylic paint and the project you are working on. Before you apply the sealant, you need to make sure the mug is completely dry.

Some varnishes are sprays and others are applied similar to paint. If you are going to be using a spray varnish, shake the can several times before spraying to make sure everything is mixed properly. Apply the spray evenly across the surface of the ceramic. It might be necessary to shake the cans multiple times during application.

Also, check the nozzle to make sure it isn’t getting blocked. This can impact how the varnish is getting applied to the ceramic. Keep a towel or a rag close by so you can regularly clean the nozzle to make sure there are no mishaps. Apply thin layers to the ceramic for the best results.

If you have a non-spray varnish, make sure you have a smooth, clean paint brush. Use even, long strokes along the surface of the ceramic. Try to cover the ceramic with as much precision as possible, avoiding any visible brush strokes. I recommend using Liquitex Brush-on Varnish. This brand is known to be durable and non-toxic.

Apply in a thin layer and allow it to dry completely before adding any additional layers of varnish. Make sure that you clean the brush after every use to make sure there aren’t any dust particles on it before you apply another coat. Make sure you set it to dry in an area that is free of dust as well.

Final Thoughts

Painting your mug or plate with acrylic paint is always a fun project. Since acrylic paint is water-based, it’s prone to peeling and cracking if it’s not taken care of properly. When you paint on a mug or a plate, you want to make sure that the paint is dishwasher safe.

Acrylic paint can be dishwasher safe with a little help. You can make a mug dishwasher safe by using a waterproof sealant or baking the mug or plate in the oven for the proper amount of time at the proper temperature. Just remember to follow all my steps and tips to ensure your acrylic painted project is dishwasher friendly.

Don’t forget to check out my other articles for all your painting Q&A’s. Happy painting!

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