Mod Podge is such a versatile product and can be used for so many different things. One of the main things it is used for is sealing paint, but it is often wondered if you can use it as a primer for paint as well.
So, can Mod Podge be used as a primer? Yes! Mod Podge can be used as a primer, and sealer. It won’t be the exact as actual gesso primer, but it will get the job done. You can then use the same Mod Podge to seal your artwork.
Mod Podge is commonly used as a way to adhere things like fabric or paper to a different surface. It makes sense to consider using Mod Podge as a primer for your painting, but it is important to make sure it will work before you actually do so.
How To Use Mod Podge As a Primer

The first thing you will need to do is make sure you have just a regular Mod Podge. A matte finish will be best because it won’t provide as smooth of a surface as a gloss finish. Mod Podge dries pretty quickly and is usually ready to be worked on in about an hour.
You will then want to make sure the surface is clean. Make sure it is free of dirt, dust, and other debris. This will allow you to have a smooth painting instead of a bumpy painting. It will also increase the adhesion to help the Mod Podge stick to the surface easier.
Once the surface is clean, you can apply the Mod Podge. It is best to apply in thin, even layers. This will help the product dry quickly and evenly to prevent wet spots. You should apply at least two coats of Mod Podge, but you can add more if you feel your painting will need it. If you are painting on a canvas, don’t forget to prime the sides of the canvas as well.
Each coat should be applied in the opposite direction of the previous coat. For example, if your first coat runs top to bottom, your second should run side to side. You will want to alternate until you have reached your desired number of coats. Make sure the Mod Podge is completely dry before you start painting on top of it.
Can You Use Mod Podge As Primer on Wood?

It is absolutely possible to use Mod Podge as a primer on wood, and it might even be extremely beneficial for you to do. Since Mod Podge is a decoupage, it works as a glue. If you use Mod Podge as a primer for wood, you will have a much easier time creating a smooth surface to paint on.
There is always a possibility for splinters in wood. When you use Mod Podge as a primer, you have a higher chance of eliminating those splinters the best you can. This is because the product will work as a glue to help the splinters stick down to the surface and prevent them from ruining your artwork.
Can You Paint Over Mod Podge?

You can easily paint over Mod Podge as long as you are using the right kind of paint. Mod Podge is a water-based product, so you will need to use water-based paint on top of it. This means that you can use acrylic paint, but not oil paint.
My favorite and top pick is always Arteza Acrylic Paints. They have so many different colors, and the quality is amazing! I usually use Arteza Paints for all my projects.
Painting on top of Mod Podge is an extremely easy process and works just the same as painting on top of other primers. First, get your paints and painting area all set up. It is best to lay down a plastic sheet to protect the floor. Pour some paint out onto a palette so you can easily access your colors and avoid contaminating the container.
It is highly recommended that you test out your paints with the Mod Podge before you complete an entire painting on it. You can do this by testing a small corner of your painting or experimenting with a different piece. This will give you an idea of how your paints will react with the Mod Podge and how it will look when it’s dry.
I also suggest you test each color you plan on using before you paint with it. Different colors use different pigments, and they all react differently. You will benefit from knowing exactly which paints work and which ones don’t because you lose the risk of ruining your painting.
After you’ve tested all of your paints, you will want to create a quick sketch of the painting you want to do on top of the Mod Podge. This gives you an outline to follow so you know how big your painting will be.
Now, you are ready to start painting. Paint in thin layers for the best outcome. This will help the paint dry faster, prevent peeling and chipping, and keep the surface smooth. Allow each layer plenty of time to dry before you add another layer of paint on top of it. When you are finished, let the painting dry for about 24 hours before you add a sealant on top.
How Do You Seal Paint With Mod Podge?

Mod Podge can also be a great sealer for your water-based painting. It dries quickly and protects your artwork. As stated above, you need to make sure your painting is completely dry before you try to add Mod Podge on top as a sealant.
Just like the primer, you need to apply the Mod Podge as a sealant in thin, even layers. If you add too much, it will take forever to dry. If you don’t add enough, your painting won’t be properly protected, and you will likely experience peeling and bubbling.
It is best to apply a minimum of two layers of Mod Podge as a sealant for the best protection of your painting. Make sure you let each coat dry before adding the next. 15 minutes should be enough time between coats, but you can wait longer if you prefer. Allowing the Mod Podge to properly dry makes a difference in the level of protection.
Mod Podge can be used as a sealant on several different surfaces. It works on canvas, plastic, wood, and paper. There are also several different types of Mod Podge available that you can use as a sealant, allowing you to add even more character and individuality to your painting.
I like to use the Glitter Mod Podge for some of my paintings, to give it a nice unique look. If I’m painting a sky background, or even outer space, a little bit of glitter at the end makes it look amazing.
Final Thoughts
Mod Podge is a really versatile product and can be used for so many different things. You might be wondering if it will also work as a primer for your next acrylic or water-based painting. Luckily, Mod Podge can be used as a primer, and it is a very easy process to complete. The most important thing is that you make sure it is completely dry before you start painting over it.
In addition to being used as a primer, Mod Podge also makes a great sealant. Since it dries quickly and is available in tons of different finishes, you will easily be able to create a finishing look that you are proud of. When your paint is dry, add at least two layers of your preferred Mod Podge to protect your work.
Make sure to follow all my tips and recommended products to ensure your Mod Podge painted project turns out great! Also, don’t forget to check out my other articles for all your painting Q&A’s. Happy painting!