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Is Acrylic Paint Safe for Frogs?

If you want to add some personality to your frog terrarium, it is essential that you make sure you are using a paint that is safe for your frog and the environment. The best kind of paint for a frog’s home is going to be one that is water-based and non-toxic. Water-based paints are free from chemicals that are harsh and can be dangerous to frogs.

So, is acrylic paint safe for frogs? Yes, it is! The best type of paint to use in a frog’s environment is acrylic paint. This paint is both water-based and non-toxic, so it will not cause your frog any harm when it is dry. Even though it isn’t toxic to frogs, wet acrylic paint can still let off fumes that can bother your frog’s small respiratory system.

For your frog’s safety, it is important that you remove them and place them in a temporary terrarium while you are applying the acrylic paint. Prepare to keep them in their temporary home for a week or two until the permanent home is dry and safe for reintroduction.

How to Use Acrylic Paint in Frog Terrarium

Using acrylic paint in a frog terrarium is a great way to bring some life and color to your frog’s home. The very first thing you need to do is remove the frog and place it somewhere that it can safely live until the entire painting and drying process is complete. 

After your frog is safely removed and settled in their temporary home, you are going to want to thoroughly clean the terrarium. You can do this with warm water and a cloth or paper towels. It isn’t recommended to use soap or any other cleaning product on the terrarium because it can be irritating to the frog.

My favorite and top pick is always Arteza Acrylic Paints. They have so many different colors, and the quality is amazing! I usually use Arteza Paints for all my projects.

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When you are done cleaning and the terrarium is completely dry, you can lightly sand the surface you are going to paint. Wipe away any of the dust with a damp cloth and wait for the surface to be dry again. 

You will then apply a primer to the surface that you are going to paint. This will enhance the adhesion of the acrylic paint to the terrarium. Just like the paint, the primer you use needs to be water-based and non-toxic for it to be used in your frog’s home.

Paint the primer on in thin, even layers for quick drying. It is best to wait about fifteen to thirty minutes between each coat of primer before applying the next one. You will then need to wait for the primer to dry completely, a minimum of 24 hours, before you try to apply any paint.

I like to use Liquitex Primer because it offers great protection, and it’s also super affordable!

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The acrylic paint will also need to be applied in thin coats to speed up the drying process. It is incredibly important to make sure each coat of paint is 100% dry before adding the next coat for the safety of your frog.

You should apply a minimum of two coats of acrylic paint to your frog’s terrarium, but you can add more if you feel like you need more coverage. For the best possible results, wait a minimum of 24 hours between each coat of acrylic paint.

It is going to be extremely important to make sure you use an acrylic waterproof sealant on top of your painting. This will keep your painting and your frog as safe as possible. Since acrylic is water-based, it has the chance of being ruined if it gets wet. The paint can then run into your frog’s habitat and harm the frog.

Mod Podge is a great option for sealing your frog’s terrarium because it has so many different options. It is offered in a dishwasher safe formula and an outdoor formula. Both of these are safe for frogs because they are non-toxic and water-based.

This Mod Podge is specifically designed to be waterproof, and hold up against moisture and water. Many people also use this one to seal their ceramics that will be going in the dishwasher. It’s an overall amazing product.

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To keep your frog safe after you are finished painting, keep them in their temporary home for a minimum of one week. It is even better to keep them out of their permanent home for two weeks. This gives the paint and the sealant plenty of time to cure and be free of any fumes that your frog might pick up on.

Is Acrylic Paint Safe for Amphibians?

Acrylic paint is safe for amphibians as long as it is completely dry. If your amphibian is exposed to wet acrylic paint, they can experience respiratory issues because their respiratory systems are so sensitive and tiny. It is best to avoid having an amphibian around wet or drying acrylic paint to keep them safe and sound.

The acrylic paint will be fine to return to its permanent home after a minimum of one week. The longer you can keep the frog in its temporary home, the better. After at least a week, you can reintroduce your frog to its habitat. It is best to keep an eye on them to make sure they aren’t acting funny, as this can be a sign that there are still fumes in the terrarium.

Frog Safe Paint

For the safety of your frog, it is essential that you use a paint that won’t harm them. Avoid oil paints because they are full of toxic ingredients that can harm your frog even when they are dry. It is also important to avoid any other paints that are considered toxic. 

The safest paints are going to be free of carcinogens, petrochemicals, heavy metals, and volatile organic compounds. Acrylic paint is a solid option, but you can also consider tempera paint. Tempera paint is frequently used in preschool and kindergarten classes because of how safe it is. 

Arteza Acrylic Paint

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Tempera Paint

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Tempera paint and acrylic paints both need to be completely dry before you reintroduce your frog to its home. This will ensure that there isn’t any paint smell that can irritate the frog and make them sick. 

Is Mod Podge Safe for Reptiles?

Mod Podge is completely safe to be used in a reptile environment. Like acrylic paint, Mod Podge is water-based and non-toxic. The product is free from any chemicals that could potentially harm your reptile when dry.

While Mod Podge is safe for reptiles, you shouldn’t use it around them when it is wet. Reptiles are very small, meaning they have very small respiratory systems. While we might not think Mod Podge has a smell, a reptile might pick up on it.

If a reptile smells wet Mod Podge, it isn’t going to be fatal to them, but it will make them feel uncomfortable and not so great. Keep your reptile in a separate room while the Mod Podge is being applied and drying. This will protect them and keep them as safe as possible.

Final Thoughts

If you are trying to add some color into your frog’s terrarium, it is essential that you use a paint that is safe for them. Look for a paint that is free from volatile organic compounds and other toxins. Acrylic paint is going to be the best option for painting your frog’s home.

Although the product is considered safe for use around frogs, you should always keep them away when you are painting their home and letting it dry. If they are placed back in their home too soon, they have the potential of breathing in the fumes of still-wet acrylic paint or Mod Podge.

Make sure to follow all my tips and recommended products to ensure your acrylic painted frog project turns out great! Also, don’t forget to check out my other articles for all your painting Q&A’s. Happy painting! 

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